Report Update
I got Elizabeth’s autopsy report, couldn’t make sense of it, so I just got off the phone with her main pulmonary doctor (Dr. Todd Bull):
Basically at some point between 4:30-4:40 (I asked for the exact time), a blood clot hit her lung, her heart rate dropped to around 40 beats, she almost passed out. Within 2-3 minutes of her nurse leaving her room, Dr. Bull walked into the room and saw her on her hands and knees. She looked up, tried saying something and when they got her into the bed, she went into cardiac arrest.
It helps to know that Dr. Bull (by far her favorite physician on her team) was there and that she recognized him. It also helps to know that she wasn’t on the floor for 10+ minutes like I feared.
NOW, the autopsy report clearly showed that her lungs were worse than the last time they scanned them, her heart showed enlargement and weakening, she had a kidney stone that they didn’t scan (she complained her tailbone hurt for at least 7 days prior), she had scarring from acid reflux (something they never officially diagnosed), she had a benign nodule in her abdomen, her pericardial sack was turning fibrous, and her lymph system was very inflamed ...
Yes, she made the best of the 21 days she was alone in the hospital ... but CLEARLY the forced isolation was a detriment to her condition by the way her heart weakened and her lungs got worse. #NeverAgain
Next steps are starting to talk to congressman, senators, and the connections my network has within the White House.
#NeverDieAlone #NeverRecoverAlone #NeverBirthAlone #NoChildAlone#NeverSickAlone #NeverERAlone